Belgrade, 4 October, 2014

Hi everybody,

Sorry for my late feedback; I have a very busy schedule right now. Anyway, it was great to meet you in Belgrade and I was very impressed by all the smart people I met and the high standard of your conference.

Below are some links and references which you can find useful (and perhaps entertaining).

Good luck, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”



My slides


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring.

Specially recommended articles:

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters
