Copenhagen, January 15, 2014
Hello, everybody!
Thanks for a great Wednesday morning! I hope that you had productive and inspiring days in Copenhagen and also found some time to enjoy lovely Denmark.
Below are some links and references which I hope you will find useful.
- A collection of headline articles from Copyblogger
- How to write for the web (from BBC)
- How to write for the web: 23 useful rules
- 10 tips for good web writing
- How to Write Successfully for the Web
- The Wikipedia articles Inverted pyramid & Chunking.
Finally, I will recommend a book which is not only knowledgeable but also a fun read:
- Write me a web page, Elsie!—How to write fresh, functional, findable documents for web sites, intranets and social media
Good luck, and bear in mind what a science student wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”