Laholm, 5–6 oktober 2015

Tempus fugit (’tiden flyger’ – ett citat av Vergilius)! Hoppas ni har haft möjlighet att praktisera era kunskaper inom retorik och bemötande. Förhoppningsvis ses vi igen i Laholm vad det lider – en av våra favoritplatser i Sverige.


Olle B.


Cirka (30 MB): 2015-10-05_laholm



UR har massor av program om retorik. Tala ut är en bra startpunkt (pdf-handledning).



Hans Rosling och den magiska tvättmaskinen

Ormbunkar och gulnade asplöv i höstlig sörmlandsskog. [Foto: Olle Bergman, @generalblom]

Ormbunkar och gulnade asplöv i höstlig sörmlandsskog. [Foto: Olle Bergman, @generalblom]

Solna, September 25, 2015

Tack för senast! Tempus fugit (‘time flies’) and now it is time to prepare for your presentations. Good luck, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: “Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”


My slides from September 25


Here are some notes that I wrote after watching the presentations of the group in October last year:

  1. Proper preparations boost self-confidence and increase your freedom of action. The opposite is also true. We saw examples of both during the day.
  2. Step out of your comfort zone and into the scary spot on the floor in front of the audience—the spot from where you change the world.
  3. Maintain eye contact. It will put you in charge and give you invaluable feedback.
  4. Consider the temporal effect when you design your presentation: show your stuff in sequence, one detail at a time.
  5. Love your subject and let the world know it!
  6. Don’t fear silence; it helps you and your audience to focus and contemplate. Don’t fear questions; this is where you could really shine in front of your listeners. (However, see point 1. above.)

Finally: an applause for you who struggled with your nervousness, but kept yourself together and delivered. It’s your victory, and you should be proud of yourselves! Trust me: it will only be easier for every time you face and conquer your fears. So keep on practising during dinners and parties, giving small speeches in front of your friends and family.

Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring.

About presentations

• Ten tricks to have your audience hang on your lips
Tips from the Belgian company The Floor is Yours

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters



Summer is gone, autumn is here, but evolution keeps triumphing. Hällberga forest, September 2015. [Photo: Olle Bergman,]

A glimpse from a non-rationalist world

During my talk for a group from a faith-based organisation I do what I always do: I claim that LOGOS (fact and logic) is the only legitimate way to persuade other people. It may be true that ETHOS (the sender’s trustworthiness) can help us assess the credibility of the source, but people making rational decisions should try to steer away from PATHOS.

While saying this, I note that the group leader squirms in her seat. It is apparent that she doesn’t agree. I choose to not go further down this path and continue talking about the five Ws or something. Yet, I am a bit fascinated that I am apparently visiting a place where rationalism may be questioned. In my life as a communicator, this is really rare.

Bosön, 4–5 August 2015

Hi everybody,

Thank you for two great days at Bosön! From your feedback I have understood that you found the course valuable, and I wish you good luck with your studies and career. Below are some links and references which you can find useful. I have also included a small LinkedIn tutorial.



My slides


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring. Below is one of my favorite articles.

The Facebook page offers interesting material about communication in the STEM field every day.

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

How to give a successful oral presentation
Interesting reflections on the attention pattern during a lecture.

Excellent speakers

Getting started with LinkedIn

For comparison, my account is

1. Get a LinkedIn account.

2. Write a good headline – as you can see, mine is ”Communications Consultant, Public Speaker & Professional Writer with a passion for science, language, history & people”.

3. Write a summary. As you can se, my summary says the following

Swedish communications consultant, public speaker, educator, freelance writer and author.

• Scientific communication & science communication.
• Presentation & writing techniques.
• Medical, technical & scientific writing aimed at a popular audience.

”Helping brilliant professionals and students get their facts, ideas and opinions across.

You can “find out who you are” by answering the questions below and edit the answer into a concise elevator pitch.

a. What do you do as a professional?
b. What problem do you solve?
c. How is your knowledge, approach or method different?
d. Why should I care?

4. Try to fill as many things as possible. Note that you can also add images and web addresses to your wall.

5. Finally, start chasing recommendations. Make sure your teachers, colleagues and project leaders write something nice about you!

Bringing stuff alive

The team behind Annual Biologics Symposium sent a call for speakers for a symposium in March 2016.

We’re looking for speakers who can help bring this theme alive by presenting insightful, informed and thought-provoking scientific content.

I like this sentence, especially the ”bring alive” part. That’s actually what communication is all about – to make the stuff which is rustling around in my brain rustle around in your brain as well.

One manifestation of life []

One manifestation of life []

Solna, 24 June 2015

Hallå allesammans!

Finally–here is your feedback page! I just realised that it hadn’t been published and distributed to you for some reason.

Anyway, it’s always great to meet the Amgen Scholars groups. I hope you appreciated the viking Odyssey to Björkö as much as I did.

Below you will find a pdf with the lecture slides as well as a collection of links which I hope you will find useful.

You can email me anytime for feedback on your PPt slides or poster design – but remember to give me a couple of days to reply.

See you on 10 August for the workshop!


PS Don’t forget to like the Crastina Facebook Page; we try to present really useful and/or inspiring links every day!

My slides


Presentation Links

Poster Links

Other Useful Stuff


Mr SciComm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!


My great pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for anyone with an interest for communication. Read more.

There are several ways to engage in the Crastina network activities.


Summer evening in a pine forest outside Torshälla.
[Photo: Olle Bergman,]


Solna den 19 juni 2015

Hej & tack för bra engagemang!

1. Mejla gärna frågor, kommentarer och reflektioner!

2. Föreläsningsrelaterat

3. Crastina

Som ni kan se ligger denna återkoppling på Scientia Crastina – en webbplattform för ”early career scientists” som är intresserade av kommunikation. Börja gärna på startsidan och surfa runt och skriv gärna en kommentar om ni hittar något som väcker ert intresse. Vi är idel öra när det gäller önskemål och förlag på förbättringar.

Lycka till med era projekt och ta fasta på vad Amgen Scholars-studenten Leonidas Georgiou skrev i ett mejl till mig:


/Glad midsommar!