Solna, 7 Juni 2018
It was great to meet you, this warm June day in Stockholm! Below, you will find my PPt slides as well as some links which may be useful.
Good luck with your summer projects. As I said: feel free to email me for feedback on your PPt slides or poster design.
My slides
A PPt for scientific presentations
This template is based on chapter 16 in Matt Carter’s Designing Science Presentations. Matt is an assistant professor of biology at Williams College, Massachusetts and a great guy!
- Ten tricks to have your audience hang on your lips
Tips from the Belgian company The Floor is Yours -
Hard-earned experience from Lale Byquist - The magic Washing Machine
My favourite presentation by Hans Rosling
- Tips for a readable poster
A Swedish classic – a bit old, but still very useful. - How to win a scientific poster contest
More advice from The Floor is Yours - How to create a beautiful scientific poster?
Advice from Pieter Torrez, marine biologist & graphic artist - Better Posters
Tons of advice from Zen Faulkes, University of Texas Rio Grande.

June evening in Råby-Rekarne socken, east of Eskilstuna. In the distance, two cranes were dancing in the marshy fields.